Home Alone
Catriona and I were "home alone" for 5 days while my parents and John went to Kobwin. We were disappointed that we couldn't go but we had other commitments. As it turned out, we had someone over or went somewhere else every night. The first night, A. Wesley and A. Beth came over for dinner and A. Wesley spent the night. The next night, I went to David Family for devotions and dinner, Catriona went to worship practice, and then we went over to A. Kimberley's house. Saturday night was worship night. My friend Hadassah came for dinner, and then we went to worship night. After worship night Catriona and Kara came with Hadassah and I back to our house for a sleepover. Sunday night, we slept at A. Kimberley's again. So our home alone turned out to be "home with friends" or "home away from home at someone else's home with friends." During this time, Catriona and I were still working at Hope Family so we were pretty busy too. We also had to keep the house under control...
Me and Hadassah |
Kara and Catriona |
a busy few days! but sounds a lot of fun too.